last updated: August 17, 2023

9 minute read

React Suspense in three different architectures

React Suspense has had a strange journey: for years it was little used and was seen as having little benefit, just a fancy way to render a loading state. With the recent release of React 18, however, Suspense provides a whole new set of benefits which deserve a second look. Unfortunately, these advantages can range from uninspiring to esoteric, and depend significantly on your app's architecture. Let's take a look at the three most common rendering architectures today and how React Suspense can play a role.


  • Client-side rendering: Show a fallback while React.lazy loads; declaratively handle loading/error states when fetching data with a suspense-compatible framework.
  • Server-side rendering: Everything above + server-side rendered components wrapped in a <Suspense /> are selectively hydrated on the client.
  • Server components: Everything above + asynchronous server components wrapped in a <Suspense /> are streamed to the client in stages: first it's fallback, then it's final content.

Now for a deeper dive!

Client-side rendering

This is React at its most basic. On request, the server responds with a barebones html file with a <script> tag referencing a javascript bundle. When the javascript is loaded and executed, it generates the content on the page and populates our empty html file. Navigations are completely client-side and make no additional requests to the server - which leads us to the first use-case for Suspense. Given that our javascript bundle contains the code necessary to generate any part of the app, it can grow quite large. Since the entire javascript file must be loaded, parsed, and executed before the page's content is rendered, this becomes a serious performance bottleneck. But of course, you don't really need the code to generate every part of your app on every single page. What if instead, we could split our app into several different javascript bundles, each only sent to the client when necessary? Enter Suspense and React.lazy.

Suspense with React.lazy

At its core, React.lazy lets you lazy-load a React component by passing it a function that returns a Promise which resolves to a component. In most cases, however, you'll see it used with the dynamic import syntax to lazy load another module.

const Post = lazy(() => import('./Post.ts'));

Paired with Suspense, you can dictate to React to render a fallback loading state while the import is loading:

export default function Wrapper() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Post />

If you're using a navigation library like React Router, you can code-split your app by route, lazy loading the entry point for each page separately in your Route components.

You could implement this behavior yourself - render a loading state while dynamically importing a component - without Suspense and React.lazy, but using Suspense is much more elegant. This raises the question, however: what if we could simplify all data fetching done in useEffects with Suspense?

Suspense for data-fetching in a useEffect

Before we get any further, it's time to take a quick look into the internals of <Suspense />. Primarily, how does the parent <Suspense> know when its child is loading? As far as I can tell, there's only two ways for a child component to change the state of its parent:

  1. The child mutates a piece of state used in the parent
  2. The child throws a value, which can be caught and processed by the parent

This second option normally comes in the form of an error boundary, which is a React component designed to catch an unintentional error thrown by a child when your app breaks. Interestingly enough, React has co-opted this mechanism for more than just throwing errors: Suspense relies on the child throwing a promise.

In short, the child throws a Promise that's pending while it's loading and resolves when it's ready to render. The parent catches this promise and renders the fallback prop or the children's content accordingly.

As you can imagine, setting up your own suspense-enabled data fetching utilities can be quite complicated, and you're probably better off letting a library take care of it.

That's all to say that if your library supports it, you can wrap your component in a <Suspense />, specify a fallback, add an error boundary to catch any rejected promises, and you never have to worry about isLoading or isError states again!

function Post() {
// with React Query, for example
const { data } = useQuery({ suspense: true })
// you can assume data will be fully fetched, since React will
// "suspend" the component when the data's loading and this
// code won't be executed!
return <div>{data}</div>
export default function Wrapper() {
return (
<ErrorBoundary fallbackRender={<div>Error!</div>}>
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Post />

For some this may look simpler, but others may see the early stages of a pyramid of doom and prefer to handle loading and error states imperatively themselves. Either way, it's hard to argue that data fetching with Suspense is opening any doors you couldn't implement yourself. Those will come.

Server-side rendering

In server-side rendered apps, Suspense begins to unlock some very interesting new capabilities - but first, a few words on the basics of hydration.

At request time, your metaframework will generate the html for a given page by running the components exported from the relevant file to generate the html for the first render. This html will be sent to the user so they can look at something meaningful while the javascript bundle loads. Once the javascript arrives, the metaframework will rerun your component on the client and ensure that the resulting dom is the same as the html generated on the server (if it's not, you'll probably get a warning). At this point, we have the same dom that was generated on the server, but all the javascript associated with creating state, binding events, etc. is in place as well. This whole process of rerunning the component on the client is known as hydration.

Compared with client-side rendering, server-side provides a better user experience on first page-load since the user can look at some server-generated html while your javascript bundle loads and executes. However, look is all they can do - without javascript, the page can't be interacted with. Magnifying this problem is the fact that the entire page needs to be hydrated before any of it can be interacted with! Enter use-case three of Suspense: selective hydration.

By wrapping a component in Suspense, React will hydrate it separately from the rest of the page. At first glance, this may not seem too beneficial: if all the dehydrated html is sent to the client together, the entire page will be hydrated simultaneously - selective hydration or not. This isn't quite accurate, though, for two reasons:

  1. If we wrap several components in Suspense, React can intelligently decide which to hydrate first based on which the user is interacting with at the time. In other words, React can prioritize which section of the page to hydrate and provide the user with an interactable widget while subsequently hydrating the rest of the page in the background. On slower devices - where parsing and executing javascript can be a real bottleneck - this can create a much speedier experience for the user.

  2. With a streaming architecture, different parts of the page can be sent to the client separately, meaning a given chunk of html can be sent to the client and selectively hydrated while other parts of the page are still working to render on the server! More on streaming next:

Note that the current generation of SSR frameworks do not support selective hydration - as far as I can tell, only Next.js applications using the app directory support selective hydration for client-components rendered to html on the server. Check out my blog post on SSR vs Server components for more info!

Server components

In a nutshell, server components are React components that render to html on the server before they're sent to the client. This may sound like server-side rendering, but server components are server-only; they never run on the client. They can't use event handlers, state, or hooks, and are fundamentally non-interactive. Instead, server components are optimized for fetching and rendering static data:

export default async function Post() {
const data = await fetch(...)
return <div>{data}</div>

Notice that the function/component is asynchronous! You can just wait for your data to load, then render your content to html and send it to the client. Simple and elegant, but not a great user experience - until the asynchronous action completes, your component is blocked, and the user sees nothing from your component! In fact, this situation is exactly what loading states were created for. So how can we give a loading state to our server component? Suspense.

By wrapping your asynchronous server component in a <Suspense />, React will render and send the fallback to the client while the component is fetching. Once the data finishes loading, it'll send the rendered content from the component itself. This process of sending multiple chunks of html to the client over time is known as streaming.

async function Post() {
const data = await fetch(...)
return <div>{data}</div>
export default function Wrapper() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Post />


So there we have it, four different use-cases of React Suspense for three different architectures. I'll leave it to the reader to decide if a single API is appropriate for so many different situations, but hopefully this article should give you some clarity on the situation. Thanks for reading!


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