resume profile image

Elan Medoff



  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Next.js /pages
  • Next.js /app
  • React Query
  • Redux
  • Node.js
  • Deno
  • Git
  • Bash
  • Lua
  • Ruby
  • Redux Toolkit
  • MongoDB
  • Prisma
  • Jenkins
  • Java
  • Python
  • OCaml
  • Ruby on Rails

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer (Wealthfront)

Web Platform Lead

Software Engineer

Junior Software Engineer

Software Engineer Intern

Oversaw quarterly web infrastructure initiatives

  • Identified legacy patterns and oversaw projects for improvement
  • Emphasized improvements that were feasible, impactful, and had a clear migration path

Collaborated with a team of engineers, designers, and project managers to develop investment products

  • Led engineering work for investment initiatives, including stock movement, and redesigned marketing pages
  • Developed other products including bond ETF portfolios, bond ladder strategies, and individual stock trading

Standardized data fetching patterns in the web codebase with React Query and custom utilities

  • Improved the user experience with caching, retries on network errors, and background data revalidation
  • Reduced code complexity by automatically rendering loading / error indicators and minimizing null checks

Participated in other web engineering responsibilities

  • Led the weekly web platform meeting
  • Triaged, investigated, and resolved critical production issues as part of the on-call rotation
  • Conducted interviews for prospective engineers, assessing their coding and conceptual skills

Personal Projects

  • An open-source NPM library to seamlessly read and write URL search params as React state
  • Includes options to sanitize, parse, and validate the search param. Also supports server-side rendering
  • An open-source NPM library to access referentially stable, up-to-date versions of non-primitives in React
  • A tech blog with 15+ articles. Includes topics such as: programming with React, Next.js, and Typescript, customizing NeoVim into a fully-fledged IDE, and setting up continuous integration
  • Featured by several javascript newsletters, including Bytes, React Newsletter, and React Digest
  • Built with Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Prisma, React Query, Framer Motion, and Playwright


Johns Hopkins University

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (3.83)